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Renewal of Marriage Vows Ceremony

Relationships grow, change and mature, anniversaries add up: my favourite quote is "life is something that happens to you when your busy making other plans" John Lennon. Life happens to married couples, ups & downs, good & not so good. Sometimes children come along, sometimes they don't. The journey is unique to each and every couple. Achievements and challenges occur for both partners during the marriage, including family life, work life, social life and health. The reasons are many and varied as to why couples make the decision to renew their marriage vows. The love may have become different and stronger or a partner has overcome a serious illness. Many couples did not have the resources for the "dream wedding" when they first married. Whatever the reason, the Renewal of Marriage Vows is a serious re-commitment of a very strong love and solid partnership and I am so excited to assist you to celebrate it.

Commitment Ceremony

What better way to show your commitment to your partner than with a beautiful ceremony designed to show who you are and what you mean to one another? Some couples do not wish to become "legally" married for many reasons. These couples have the advantage in Australia to show their love for each other through a Commitment Ceremony. I can work with you to make this ceremony unforgettable for you and your guests in the most marvellous way. Marriage equality has not been fully realised as yet in our society but this is the best place and time in history to declare your orientation. I am so looking forward to helping all loving adult couples to openly declare and share your love and support of each other in the most wonderful Commitment Ceremony that we can dream up between us!

Birth & Naming Ceremony

Birth or naming of any child is a blessing; whether a newborn, an adopted child, another person taking over full time care or a newly formed family blending together; the ceremony for "welcoming or naming" of a child is special. The service can take place at any age or stage. It is about acknowledging how individual and special they are in your lives and it symbolises your undying commitment to the child or person. This ceremony is a tangible celebration to include your extended network of family and friends to show their support and celebrate the life of the child. The ceremony demonstrate to the child that, now and in the future they will have love and a strong support base with them for the long haul; they know, you will never let them down when they need you. 

Ageing Ceremony

It is just as important to recognise our progress through life beyond all of the normal/recognised "Rites of Passage" of our youth. As a society and as individuals we are younger now at 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100 years old than we have ever been! I recently went to two 70-year old ladies birthday parties. Both of these fantastic vibrant ladies I happen to love and admire: neither of these fabulous women had never ever had a party in their lifetime. They have never had the opportunity to share their life story with a group of people celebrating for them. Each lady absolutely deserved to be recognised for their efforts and contribution to society thus far! I believe we should honor people as they mature as they have the knowledge of the older generations to pass on to us. They hold the collective memory of their experiences of life and they should be heard and respected as each individual and their family believes is appropriate. I can assist you to document your own or that of you elder statesmen's memories and catalogue them into a fabulous celebration ceremony for all to share.

Divorce Ceremony

This ceremony is for both men and women. What better way to help you move on with your life? Both men and women marry with the best intention, of staying together "forever". Somewhere along the way during the marriage it becomes obvious that this couple is not Mr & Mrs Forever. Divorce rates in our country are high - but on a positive note - so are the remarriage rates! Divorce can be a devastating time in our lives, to both parties, especially when children are involved and not forgetting your extended family and friends. The feelings and emotions you go through during a divorce are the same 5 stages as the grieving process; denial, anger, bargaining, depression and finally acceptance. Divorce can take it's toll but... you need to move into the future with a healthy and positive attitude. Take control and make this an enlightening phase of growth for yourself and those around you. Let's design a "let go" and get on with it celebration all about you!

Ceremonies for Life

Have you always wanted to officially recognise the BIG ones in our lives? Now you can; with me to assist and guide you. Consider these: 18th birthday, 21st birthday, High School and University Graduations, Debutante She & He, Engagements, Retirement, Pet funerals or blessing a new house or boat. Please let me know if you want to add any others to the list. Just complete the enquiry form on my contacts page and we can discuss your thoughts and dreams for the perfect ceremony!

Rhonda & Bill Vow Renewal Ceremoy

Contact Rhonda Keen 0429 455 399 or email

Copyright Rhonda-Lea Keen 2015

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